Selected References
Boldrini et al. (2018) Human Hippocampal Neurogenesis Persists throughout Aging. Cell Stem Cell 22:589–599 Link
Ilyka, Johnson, Lloyd-Fox (2021) Infant social interactions and brain development: A systematic review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 130:448–469
Johnson et al. (2016) State of the Art Review: Poverty and the Developing Brain. Pediatrics 137(4) April 2016: e2 0153075
Abbasi, Jennifer (2019) American Academy of Pediatrics Says No More Spanking or Harsh Verbal Discipline. Journal of the American Medical Association 321: 437-439.
Fisher, Helen E. et al. (2006) Romantic love: a mammalian brain system for mate choice. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 361:2173-2186.
Kendrick, Keith (2006) Introduction. The neurobiology of social recognition, attraction and bonding. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 361:2057–2059.
Kim, Suck Won et al. (2013) Neurobiology of Sexual Desire. Neuroquantology 2:332-359.
von der Malsburg, Christoph (2019) The Human Group Instinct as Basis of Culture and Atrocities. In J.A.S Kelso (ed.) Learning To Live Together: Promoting Social Harmony. Springer International Publishing AG.
Mind Map
Epstein, RA, Patai, EZ, Julian, JB, and Spiers, HJ (2017) The cognitive map in humans: spatial navigation and beyond. Nature Neuroscience 20(11):1504-1513.
Kandel, ER, Dudai, Y and Mayford, MR (2014) The Molecular and Systems Biology of Memory. Cell 157:163-186.
Lindquist, KA, Wager, TD, Kober, H, Bliss-Moreau, E and Barrett, LF (2012) The brain basis of emotion: A meta-analytic review. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35:121-202.
Schuck, NW, Ming, BC, Wilson, RC and Niv Y (2016) Human Orbitofrontal Cortex Represents a Cognitive Map of State Space. Neuron 91:1402-1412.
Barrett, LF and Satpute, AB (2019) Historical pitfalls and new directions in the neuroscience of emotion. Neuroscience Letters 693 (2019) 9–18.
LeDoux, J. E. (1996). The emotional brain: The mysterious underpinnings of emotional life. Simon & Schuster.
Lindquist, Kristen A. et al. (2012) The brain basis of emotion: A meta-analytic review. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35:121-202.
Seth, Anil (2021) Being you: a new science of consciousness. Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, New York, New York.
Van Gulick, Robert (2012) Consciousness and Cognition. In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Edited by Eric Margolis, Richard Samuels, and Stephen P. Stich.
Amodio, David (2014) The neuroscience of prejudice and stereotyping. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 15:671-682.
Greenwald, A.G., Lai, C.K. (2020) Implicit Social Cognition. Annual Review of Psychology 71:419–45.
Kubota, J.T., Banaji, M.R., Phelps, E.A. (2012) The neuroscience of race. Nature Neuroscience 15:940-948.
Dinesen, P.T. and Sønderskov, K.M. (2012) Trust in a Time of Increasing Diversity: On the Relationship between Ethnic Heterogeneity and Social Trust in Denmark from 1979 until Today. Scandinavian Political Studies, 35: 273-294.
Habyarimana, J. et al. (2007) Why Does Ethnic Diversity Undermine Public Goods Provision? The American Political Science Review 101:709-725.
Eberhardt, J. et al (2006) Looking Deathworthy. Psychological Science Research Report, Vol. 17, #5: 383-386.
Goff, P. et al. (2014) The Essence of Innocence: Consequences of Dehumanizing Black Children, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106: 526-545.
Bandura, A. (2000). Exercise of human agency through collective efficacy. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 9, 75-78
Buschman, Timothy J. and Miller, Earl K. (2014) Goal-direction and top-down control. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B 369: 20130471. Link
Churchland, Patricia (2011 and 2018) Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality (with new preface by the author) Princeton Science Library/Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ and Oxford, UK.
Haidt, Jonathan (2013) Moral psychology for the twenty-first century. Journal of Moral Education 42(3):281–297.
Krulwich, Robert (2016) You (and Almost Everyone You Know) Owe Your Life to This Man. National Geographic, March 25, 2016.
Liao, S. Matthew (2016) Morality and Neuroscience – Past and Future. Introduction to Moral Brains: The Neuroscience of Morality (Liao, SM, editor) Oxford University Press.
Childhood Trauma / Toxic Stress
Krugers et al. (2017) Early life adversity: Lasting consequences for emotional learning. Neurobiology of Stress 6 14e21
McEwen and McEwen (2017) Social Structure, Adversity, Toxic Stress, and Intergenerational Poverty: An Early Childhood Model. Annual Review of Sociology 43:445-472
Perry and Szalavitz (2017) The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog: And Other Stories from a Child Psychiatrist's Notebook – What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love, and Healing. Basic Books, New York.
Trauma Throughout Life
Jiang, Kevin (2018) The Cost of Conflict: PTSD. Harvard Medicine – Winter-Spring 2018, pp 12-17
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Wikipedia [accessed 22.06.18] Link
Brain Development Throughout Life
Boldrini et al. (2018) Human Hippocampal Neurogenesis Persists throughout Aging. Cell Stem Cell 22, 589–599. Link
The Annie E. Casey Foundation Policy Report: Opening Doors for Young Parents [accessed 09.25.18]. Link
Fear / Violence / Media
Alia-Klein, Wang, Campbell, Moeller, Parvaz, et al. (2014) Reactions to Media Violence: It's in the Brain of the Beholder. PLoS ONE 9(9): e107260. Link
Flannery and Singer. (2017) Here's how witnessing violence harms children's mental health. The Conversation. Link
Community and Culture
Sasaki and Heejung. (2017) Nature, Nurture, and Their Interplay: A Review of Cultural Neuroscience. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 48 (1) 4–22.
Chronic Physical Disease
Marebwa et al. (2018) Fibroblast growth factor23 is associated with axonal integrity and neural network architecture in the human frontal lobes. PLOS ONE 13(9): e0203460. [accessed 9/30/2018] Link
Social Determinants of Health
World Health Organization. (2010) Action on the social determinants of health: learning from previous experiences. Discussion Paper Series on Social Determinants of Health, no. 1. ISBN: 978 92 4 150087 6
Wikipedia. (2018) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Link
Justice and Injustice
Tabibnia and Lieberman. (2007) Fairness and cooperation are rewarding: Evidence from social cognitive neuroscience. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1118, 90-101.
Greenberg. (2014) The Neuroscience of Fairness and Injustice. Psychology Today Blog. Link
McEwen, Gray, and Nasca. (2015) Recognizing resilience: Learning from the effects of stress on the brain. Neurobiology of Stress 1. 1e11. Link